The Classic Tales (Archives)


Note: This is intended to be a “best of” space to highlight different journeys, not a “category archive”

Life in the Stubborn House (Archive)
Daily ins and outs of days past. Relive the drama. đŸ™‚

You will hear my heart in these posts. My heart’s cry as a mother and woman. There are lots of prayers, tears, and hope in these posts.

These posts will give you a good overview of our adoption journey from the very beginning.


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


Disclaimer - Views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. Unless specified, I have not been compensated for any of my reviews or opinions. All content on this blog is the intellectual property of the writer. Do not copy or duplicate any content without permission. Thanks you.