The Cast of Characters


TuiMama – That would be me. Household manager, wife, lover, chef, teacher, chauffer, therapist etc…

Hubby – Jack of all trades. Top Geek. Our strength, and my beloved. I like him, like, a lot.

Fuzzy Man-child (FMC)– Our eldest child, grown and gone on his own adventure, but still very present in our hearts. When his story merged with ours, everything changed.

Bonus Daughter – FMC’s wife who was also our foster daughter for a short time. She is undoubtedly part of my heart.

Mr. B – Vibrant and creative. Smart and sensitive. He notices and remembers everything. He is super cuddly, and the first to pour out his heart. He is learning how his ASD makes him tick, and how to make that into a superpower. His mental health journey has been a learning curve for all of us as he learns to manage anxiety and attachment challenges.

Miss A – Our intense child. Intensely loving, intensely smart, intensely creative, and sometimes…intensely intense. Learning how she learns has transformed my ideas about education.

Mr. E – Fuzzy Man-Child’s first son, our first grandson. Now our adopted son. He is bubbly and bright, inquisitive and cuddly. He is also the most strong-willed out of all of our kiddos, and that is saying something. Teaching him boundaries and encouraging his giftedness are the lessons he will continue to teach me as we grow together.

Mr. D (Little Boy Brute) – Fuzzy man-child’s 2nd son. Now our adopted son. He is smiley, cute, and loves to cuddle, almost as much as he loves to tackle. He plays hard, and loves even harder. He is learning right along with his older siblings, and blows us away with his love for patterns and numbers. Teaching him how to harness his powers for good will be the challenge of our journey together.

Talulah – St. Bernard love-bug. The big puppy. She runs to the chaos, and wants to share her love. (Talulah passed away from bone cancer in April 2021. I have never missed slobber so much.)

Juji – TuiMama’s Congo African Grey parrot. She shows the pups who is boss and keeps Mom and Dad honest, but she is not above a good cuddle.

Ash – Border Collie who thinks his job to make sure everyone in his herd is safe and sound. He takes this job very seriously. He is the most smiley, lovey dog we have ever had in our family, and yes, he speaks English.


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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