TagThe SAHM Adventure

Waiting to Breathe

Nothing has changed. Gabe is still gone. We know where he is, and we know he is going to school, but everything else seems so… surreal. I’ve cried a lot. I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. So abruptly. We have choices to make, but not yet. We are still waiting. We’ve put it out there in as many ways as possible that we will welcome him back home. Yes, there are...

Tough Love SUCKS

Gabe turned 18 two weeks ago. Three weeks ago. Whatever. I thought it was take longer than this. He’s gone. By his own choice. Hopefully not forever. Hopefully not for long. This sucks. I miss him. I don’t miss his bad attitude and disrespect. But I miss him. Anyone who’s been through this, please help. We need to know how we should approach this. Praying deeply. Blessings...

We made it! :)

Dear Son, Today you turned 18. We made it!  All those nights of crying over you, praying over you, and convincing you and ourselves that we would not give up have paid off. We made it! I am thankful to say that every day gets better. Who knew that when I was only 8 years old, you were created in your mother’s womb, and one day you would be MY son? God did. Who knew that a summer...

Right Now

Right now I am not liking being Mom. Right now I am not liking my sons Right now I want to eat a big bowl of ice cream, but am not, because I am an emotional un-eater. Right now I am so angry at so many things and I have no idea who I can vent to that will understand. No. Not even you. Right now I am so angry that my stupid womb doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to because then maybe...

Jeremiah’s Mother’s Day Poem

With commentary đŸ™‚ My Mom My mom is the greatest mom in the world. She is happy when I am good. She likes to listen to me when I play. She cares for me. She always remembers to tell me to take a shower. (I definitely giggled when I read that.) My mom is the greatest mom in the world. She keeps me safe from danger. She cries when I am hurt. She worries that I will run away. She feels sad  when I am...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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