Tagthe hard stuff

Tough Love SUCKS

Gabe turned 18 two weeks ago. Three weeks ago. Whatever. I thought it was take longer than this. He’s gone. By his own choice. Hopefully not forever. Hopefully not for long. This sucks. I miss him. I don’t miss his bad attitude and disrespect. But I miss him. Anyone who’s been through this, please help. We need to know how we should approach this. Praying deeply. Blessings...

Poof! (A dream)

I felt the contractions, the pushing, the pressure. I heard his first cries of life. I saw with my own eyes. We had a boy. I felt his baby fingers and toes. His fuzzy, curly hair. I smelled his wonderful new-baby smell. I kissed his beautiful cheeks, and his nose. I heard my beloved’s voice coo at his new son. I discussed what we should name him, and I wasn’t so sure about Samuel or...

When You’re Torn

Between wishing you had never opened your home to “those kids” and knowing there is nothing else you would rather do than parent and love on “those kids” it’s tougher than tough on your heart. On my heart. I realized this evening that I have not been on MARE since September. Or Spence-Chapin for that matter. There are two reasons for this. 1. I’ve been so crazy...

You don’t make sense to me

You don’t make sense to me. You say all the right things when they are easy to say, and lose it when it really counts. You can go and go and go, never missing a beat and then suddenly explode. I never see it coming. You don’t make sense to me. In the moment you can’t stop yourself. When you speak in love one moment, you touch in anger the next. You are a total contradiction, and...

Right Now

Right now I am not liking being Mom. Right now I am not liking my sons Right now I want to eat a big bowl of ice cream, but am not, because I am an emotional un-eater. Right now I am so angry at so many things and I have no idea who I can vent to that will understand. No. Not even you. Right now I am so angry that my stupid womb doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to because then maybe...


God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.* Even when my father-in-law’s house burns down. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. Even when my father-in-law loses his job, and his business, after his house burns down. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. Even when my step-daddy has a heart attack while on the road. God...

Dear Parents

Disclaimer: I love my parents very very much. I love my step-parents very very much. This post is in no way meant to hurt my wonderful parental units. It is, however, meant to give an older child’s point of view on the very hurtful nature of divorce. (All) Parents everywhere need to know what happens to the heart of a child when they make choices that change a child’s life forever...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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