Tagthe hard stuff

when in doubt, shrink it

Mr. B has been struggling. Hard. We had two months of traveling and birthdays, which are major anxiety triggers for my intense child. Mr. B is diagnosed with level 1 Austism Spectrum Disorder, which is the new categorization of what used to be called Aspberger’s syndrome or “high-functioning” autism. His flavor of autism comes with lots of “scripts” that he runs in...

Reflections on grief and being alone

I’m not good at being alone. I’m not good at silence. I’ve had a lot of both lately. Hubby has been traveling a lot. I’ve gotten used to it, and have learned to cope in a lot of ways. One of those ways is the knowledge that at least my sister, Rachel, will come home from work at night and be with me. This week, everything was different. You see, my sister went on a short...

And then you came.

It was winter. We were mourning over babies lost, and babies never had, And then, in a dream, God told me your name. He told me to get ready for you. And then the phone rang, and there was a baby who was very sick who needed a mommy and daddy who knew how to take care of sick babies. And then we said yes, because God had already told us you were coming. And then you came. And you were so tiny...

You guessed it! More transitions.

I’m not going to do a post summarizing 2011. Not going to do it. Why? Oh, because 2011 SUCKED! Right up to the end. And I wouldn’t be able to share very much about why it sucked, so it’s just not worth it. 2012 has started out with slightly less trauma, because we only had to say goodbye to Bright Eyes (Baby E’s new name, cuz’ the whole initial thing was getting too...

An early Christmas gift

The Stubborn house has a new member. Thursday afternoon a worker from our agency called and said “I know you and [Hubby] wanted to take a break…” “But?” “But there’s a baby girl who needs a home. Would you be willing?” After a short discussion of the few details she knew, which wasn’t much, I told her the answer would most likely be...

Transition meets denial

It’s really started. Baby E is starting to transition to her new home. Her new family. I can type those things, but the words get stuck in my throat and I avoid them at all cost. I caught myself avoiding calling Miss C. Mom or Mama. I didn’t want to say it, because saying it would get me a little closer to the reality that I am never going to be that to this precious baby girl. Now...

What is a woman supposed to do?

What is a woman supposed to do… When she is losing a baby birthed from her heart? When the feelings of inadequacy and emptiness that come with infertility have come back full force, and immeasurably stronger than before because now she knows what she’s missing? When she prayed harder than she’s ever prayed before and the answer is still “no”? When she is having a...


I’m sorry I’ve been quiet again. My heart is hurting and I want so badly to write about it, but I can’t. Everything is just too confidential and sensitive. Things are changing. Big time changing. Like…. I don’t know what God is doing, but I hope this season is coming to an end and the next is full of all kinds of joy….kind of changing. One thing that has my...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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