
You guessed it! More transitions.

I’m not going to do a post summarizing 2011. Not going to do it. Why? Oh, because 2011 SUCKED! Right up to the end. And I wouldn’t be able to share very much about why it sucked, so it’s just not worth it. 2012 has started out with slightly less trauma, because we only had to say goodbye to Bright Eyes (Baby E’s new name, cuz’ the whole initial thing was getting too...

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby….

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby… She realizes just how right she was that something was missing. She realizes how much she loves her husband and how amazing he is. She realizes how holding a baby (especially in a moby wrap) makes people react to you differently. (More on that soon.) She prays for God’s healing of her body more than ever. She glows. (or so Hubby tells me.)...

Don’t know how today

2 Corinthians 2:5-11 “5 If anyone has caused grief, he has not so much grieved me as he has grieved all of you to some extent—not to put it too severely. 6 The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient. 7 Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. 8 I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him. 9 Another...

More Baby E, and some Hope for Jeremiah…Hopefully.

I went to visit Baby E again today. She was sleeping when I arrived, so I scooped her up and rocked her, singing and singing. She never stirred besides a few grunts and groans. I love that little face. She seems very peaceful. The nurse said she had a good day and that she is eating really well. She spits up a little, but no reflux, so that’s good. I only stayed about an hour, because she...


My heart hurts for him today. He’s trying so hard… to give up, To be worth giving up on, To give us no choice but to give up. He’s trying so hard To make sure he gets absolutely nothing good nothing enjoyable. He is sure Absolutely SURE that in my heart I hate him that in my heart I want to squish him like a bug. My heart cries for his healing today, believing in our healer to...

Two boys; Two bikes

One wore a helmet. One left his helmet on the ground. One was riding to earn trust. One was riding because trust had been lost. One came home early just to check in. One will not be sleeping in his bed tonight. One is striving for healing, as hard as it might be. One is walking away from health, determined to stay in control. Both are loved. Both are prayed for…and prayed for…and...

We’ve come a long way

It may be a tantrum… But it’s only a 1 hour tantrum instead of an all day tantrum. There may be stomping and yelling…. But there’s not any hitting, or throwing, or swearing. There may be sneaking… But it’s only one or two instead of the whole package. There may be stinky armpits… But at least there’s a clean bum. We’ve come a long way...

Waiting to Breathe

Nothing has changed. Gabe is still gone. We know where he is, and we know he is going to school, but everything else seems so… surreal. I’ve cried a lot. I didn’t expect this to happen so soon. So abruptly. We have choices to make, but not yet. We are still waiting. We’ve put it out there in as many ways as possible that we will welcome him back home. Yes, there are...

Tough Love SUCKS

Gabe turned 18 two weeks ago. Three weeks ago. Whatever. I thought it was take longer than this. He’s gone. By his own choice. Hopefully not forever. Hopefully not for long. This sucks. I miss him. I don’t miss his bad attitude and disrespect. But I miss him. Anyone who’s been through this, please help. We need to know how we should approach this. Praying deeply. Blessings...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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