TagLovin’ on the kiddos

A letter to my eldest son on his birthday

My dearest son, Today you turn *gulp* 20 years old. This is an incredible thing in so many ways. First of all, it means that you, your dad, and myself are all in the same age decade for the next year and 3 months. That’s pretty unique. It also means that I officially get to turn more heads and raise more eyebrows when people ask about my kids and I can now officially say that I have a 20...

Happy Birthday, Bitty Girl!

Dearest baby girl of mine, Today is your first birthday. One year ago today, a little girl was born, unbeknownst to us. Two weeks later she would be in our arms, changing our lives forever. You’ve come a long way, Bitty Girl, from that tiny, sick baby. You light up a room with your presence, your smiles, and feisty giggles. You are talking so much now, and you copy all kinds of words and...

We’ve come a long way

It may be a tantrum… But it’s only a 1 hour tantrum instead of an all day tantrum. There may be stomping and yelling…. But there’s not any hitting, or throwing, or swearing. There may be sneaking… But it’s only one or two instead of the whole package. There may be stinky armpits… But at least there’s a clean bum. We’ve come a long way...

Happy Birthday, Gabe

Dear Gabe, Happy 17. You are officially old. đŸ™‚ Today was tough. It wasn’t as smooth as we would have liked. It wasn’t as polished as last year’s events. You felt. You needed. We tried our best. We’ll keep trying. You were trying hard today. I could see it, and I want you to know. I. Saw. You. I saw you remember to take the trash out this morning without being asked. I saw...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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