Taginfertility archive

What is a woman supposed to do?

What is a woman supposed to do… When she is losing a baby birthed from her heart? When the feelings of inadequacy and emptiness that come with infertility have come back full force, and immeasurably stronger than before because now she knows what she’s missing? When she prayed harder than she’s ever prayed before and the answer is still “no”? When she is having a...

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby….

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby… She realizes just how right she was that something was missing. She realizes how much she loves her husband and how amazing he is. She realizes how holding a baby (especially in a moby wrap) makes people react to you differently. (More on that soon.) She prays for God’s healing of her body more than ever. She glows. (or so Hubby tells me.)...

Poof! (A dream)

I felt the contractions, the pushing, the pressure. I heard his first cries of life. I saw with my own eyes. We had a boy. I felt his baby fingers and toes. His fuzzy, curly hair. I smelled his wonderful new-baby smell. I kissed his beautiful cheeks, and his nose. I heard my beloved’s voice coo at his new son. I discussed what we should name him, and I wasn’t so sure about Samuel or...

And they keep on comin’

I dreamt about you again. I could feel you inside me. I dreamt about the passion that created you, and the joy on your daddy’s face. I dreamt that I was in a locker room bathroom peeing on a stick, and how quickly those two lines appeared. I dreamt that my dear friend Melinda was there to catch me when I collapsed in disbelief,  because who else would be? I could feel your kicks inside...

It was on my mind…so I wrote it.

Dear ones, I wish I had good news to tell you. I wish that I could pick up that phone and tell you that something wonderful and life altering was happening in my body right now. I sound so ungrateful and lacking so much faith, but I wish that I could tell you what you wanted to hear. The conversation might go something like this “Hey (insert special relationship here)! How are you?” “I’m fine...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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