
Reflections on grief and being alone

I’m not good at being alone. I’m not good at silence. I’ve had a lot of both lately. Hubby has been traveling a lot. I’ve gotten used to it, and have learned to cope in a lot of ways. One of those ways is the knowledge that at least my sister, Rachel, will come home from work at night and be with me. This week, everything was different. You see, my sister went on a short...


A year ago today something happened that I didn’t expect to happen for many, many years. My dad, my daddy, my father, my mentor, my teacher, my encourager, my prayer warrior, my living concordance, my cheerleader, my friend went home. He left. God took him home. He died. It was so sudden. No one saw it coming. He was at church that morning teaching, praising away. He went hunting. He...

Dear Dad

Dear Dad, Daddy. I miss you. Today is the day we who are still stuck here in this mortal coil will remember the day you were born. You would have been 56 today. Let me double check that on FB. Yup. I think I’m right. Reading the posts on your FB page shows so much about who you were, although I’m not sure if some of the commenters realize that you’ve gone home. Sometimes I...

Instead *When Daddy Died

My daddy is gone. Gone to be with his Savior. With his King. Right where he always wanted to be. But he was only 55. Last night I was shattered, and all I could think about were the “He will never…” and the “I will never…” agains. They flooded me. But not today. Today I am flooded with memories of my wonderful daddy, Instead. “Once upon a time there was a...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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