
Poof! (A dream)

I felt the contractions, the pushing, the pressure. I heard his first cries of life. I saw with my own eyes. We had a boy. I felt his baby fingers and toes. His fuzzy, curly hair. I smelled his wonderful new-baby smell. I kissed his beautiful cheeks, and his nose. I heard my beloved’s voice coo at his new son. I discussed what we should name him, and I wasn’t so sure about Samuel or...

Instead *When Daddy Died

My daddy is gone. Gone to be with his Savior. With his King. Right where he always wanted to be. But he was only 55. Last night I was shattered, and all I could think about were the “He will never…” and the “I will never…” agains. They flooded me. But not today. Today I am flooded with memories of my wonderful daddy, Instead. “Once upon a time there was a...

And they keep on comin’

I dreamt about you again. I could feel you inside me. I dreamt about the passion that created you, and the joy on your daddy’s face. I dreamt that I was in a locker room bathroom peeing on a stick, and how quickly those two lines appeared. I dreamt that my dear friend Melinda was there to catch me when I collapsed in disbelief,  because who else would be? I could feel your kicks inside...

You don’t make sense to me

You don’t make sense to me. You say all the right things when they are easy to say, and lose it when it really counts. You can go and go and go, never missing a beat and then suddenly explode. I never see it coming. You don’t make sense to me. In the moment you can’t stop yourself. When you speak in love one moment, you touch in anger the next. You are a total contradiction, and...

8 years of firsts

We were kids, my Love. Kids who got married and survived. Thrived. First love. Only love. Patient, waiting love. First kiss. Again and again and again. First “I do.” Only and forever. For real. Determined. Unwavering. First pleasure and union. Only and forever. Becoming one. First tears, and shouts, and why’s and hows. First times of doubting, and wondering, and sobbing. First...

Leaving Grace where Grace wants to be left

The meeting was very quick yesterday. It went something like this… Caseworker: So Grace has decided she no longer wants to be adopted by you, Hannah and Kaleb. Do you think we should try to force her into to it? Me: No, Kaleb I have done a lot of talking and praying and we are going to step back. Grace is not ready, and we need to move on and be available for a child who wants a home and a...

It was on my mind…so I wrote it.

Dear ones, I wish I had good news to tell you. I wish that I could pick up that phone and tell you that something wonderful and life altering was happening in my body right now. I sound so ungrateful and lacking so much faith, but I wish that I could tell you what you wanted to hear. The conversation might go something like this “Hey (insert special relationship here)! How are you?” “I’m fine...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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