CategoryLife in the Stubborn House (Archive)

Gabe’s 16th Birthday…FINALLY!

This is Gabe This is Gabe on his 16th birthday (at 1:30 in the afternoon).  This is Gabe eating a bread stick in Pizza Hut on his 16th birthday. This is Gabe being loved on by my precious hubby in Pizza Hut on his 16th birthday. This is the fantastic ice cream cake I made for Gabe on his 16th birthday.   This is Gabe blowing out the candles on the fantastic ice cream cake I made him for his...

Leaving Grace where Grace wants to be left

The meeting was very quick yesterday. It went something like this… Caseworker: So Grace has decided she no longer wants to be adopted by you, Hannah and Kaleb. Do you think we should try to force her into to it? Me: No, Kaleb I have done a lot of talking and praying and we are going to step back. Grace is not ready, and we need to move on and be available for a child who wants a home and a...

It was on my mind…so I wrote it.

Dear ones, I wish I had good news to tell you. I wish that I could pick up that phone and tell you that something wonderful and life altering was happening in my body right now. I sound so ungrateful and lacking so much faith, but I wish that I could tell you what you wanted to hear. The conversation might go something like this “Hey (insert special relationship here)! How are you?” “I’m fine...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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