CategoryBuilding a Legacy

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby….

When an infertile woman suddenly has a baby… She realizes just how right she was that something was missing. She realizes how much she loves her husband and how amazing he is. She realizes how holding a baby (especially in a moby wrap) makes people react to you differently. (More on that soon.) She prays for God’s healing of her body more than ever. She glows. (or so Hubby tells me.)...

Two boys; Two bikes

One wore a helmet. One left his helmet on the ground. One was riding to earn trust. One was riding because trust had been lost. One came home early just to check in. One will not be sleeping in his bed tonight. One is striving for healing, as hard as it might be. One is walking away from health, determined to stay in control. Both are loved. Both are prayed for…and prayed for…and...

We’ve come a long way

It may be a tantrum… But it’s only a 1 hour tantrum instead of an all day tantrum. There may be stomping and yelling…. But there’s not any hitting, or throwing, or swearing. There may be sneaking… But it’s only one or two instead of the whole package. There may be stinky armpits… But at least there’s a clean bum. We’ve come a long way...

Tough Love SUCKS

Gabe turned 18 two weeks ago. Three weeks ago. Whatever. I thought it was take longer than this. He’s gone. By his own choice. Hopefully not forever. Hopefully not for long. This sucks. I miss him. I don’t miss his bad attitude and disrespect. But I miss him. Anyone who’s been through this, please help. We need to know how we should approach this. Praying deeply. Blessings...

We made it! :)

Dear Son, Today you turned 18. We made it!  All those nights of crying over you, praying over you, and convincing you and ourselves that we would not give up have paid off. We made it! I am thankful to say that every day gets better. Who knew that when I was only 8 years old, you were created in your mother’s womb, and one day you would be MY son? God did. Who knew that a summer...

Instead *When Daddy Died

My daddy is gone. Gone to be with his Savior. With his King. Right where he always wanted to be. But he was only 55. Last night I was shattered, and all I could think about were the “He will never…” and the “I will never…” agains. They flooded me. But not today. Today I am flooded with memories of my wonderful daddy, Instead. “Once upon a time there was a...

Dear Parents

Disclaimer: I love my parents very very much. I love my step-parents very very much. This post is in no way meant to hurt my wonderful parental units. It is, however, meant to give an older child’s point of view on the very hurtful nature of divorce. (All) Parents everywhere need to know what happens to the heart of a child when they make choices that change a child’s life forever...

8 years of firsts

We were kids, my Love. Kids who got married and survived. Thrived. First love. Only love. Patient, waiting love. First kiss. Again and again and again. First “I do.” Only and forever. For real. Determined. Unwavering. First pleasure and union. Only and forever. Becoming one. First tears, and shouts, and why’s and hows. First times of doubting, and wondering, and sobbing. First...

Leaving Grace where Grace wants to be left

The meeting was very quick yesterday. It went something like this… Caseworker: So Grace has decided she no longer wants to be adopted by you, Hannah and Kaleb. Do you think we should try to force her into to it? Me: No, Kaleb I have done a lot of talking and praying and we are going to step back. Grace is not ready, and we need to move on and be available for a child who wants a home and a...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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