CategoryBuilding a Legacy

A letter to my son on his third birthday

My sweet Busy Boy, Yesterday we celebrated your third birthday. I am writing this letter the day after because I went to bed early on your birthday because I was really, really tired. It’s no surprise that your mommy was tired, because you fit your nickname well and are a very busy boy. You are so joyous an exuberant that I can get lost simply watching you play. I am so glad that God saw us...

And so go my days

Note: I started this post June 25, and was interrupted by a call from our worker asking us to take an emergency placement of two girls, thus the interruption of time. đŸ™‚ Also, things are even more intense and chaotic right now, but we are getting it figured out. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to introduce you to Busy Boy as well as let you in to the complexity that is life in...

Twists, Turns, and New Starts: Part 2

As I said in the last post, we knew that God knew what He was doing, and that even if the sib placement didn’t work out, that He had a reason that He was preparing us. Finally, two weeks after we got the initial referral for the sibling group, our agency gave us a call to tell us that the variance for other family had been approved, so we would not be getting the 4-pack, but before she even...

You guessed it! More transitions.

I’m not going to do a post summarizing 2011. Not going to do it. Why? Oh, because 2011 SUCKED! Right up to the end. And I wouldn’t be able to share very much about why it sucked, so it’s just not worth it. 2012 has started out with slightly less trauma, because we only had to say goodbye to Bright Eyes (Baby E’s new name, cuz’ the whole initial thing was getting too...

An early Christmas gift

The Stubborn house has a new member. Thursday afternoon a worker from our agency called and said “I know you and [Hubby] wanted to take a break…” “But?” “But there’s a baby girl who needs a home. Would you be willing?” After a short discussion of the few details she knew, which wasn’t much, I told her the answer would most likely be...

Transition meets denial

It’s really started. Baby E is starting to transition to her new home. Her new family. I can type those things, but the words get stuck in my throat and I avoid them at all cost. I caught myself avoiding calling Miss C. Mom or Mama. I didn’t want to say it, because saying it would get me a little closer to the reality that I am never going to be that to this precious baby girl. Now...

What is a woman supposed to do?

What is a woman supposed to do… When she is losing a baby birthed from her heart? When the feelings of inadequacy and emptiness that come with infertility have come back full force, and immeasurably stronger than before because now she knows what she’s missing? When she prayed harder than she’s ever prayed before and the answer is still “no”? When she is having a...

Christmas Traditions – Then

I love the stories behind how traditions are formed. Growing up we had a lot of Christmas traditions, and as a kid I took them as a given. It wasn’t until later that I found out the simple reasons that formed those traditions. For example, we always open all of our presents on Christmas Eve, so obviously we weren’t a Santa Claus kind of family. It wasn’t that our parents...

Dear Dad

Dear Dad, Daddy. I miss you. Today is the day we who are still stuck here in this mortal coil will remember the day you were born. You would have been 56 today. Let me double check that on FB. Yup. I think I’m right. Reading the posts on your FB page shows so much about who you were, although I’m not sure if some of the commenters realize that you’ve gone home. Sometimes I...


I had to apologize today… for being young, and naive, and head strong; for not seeing the signs, even when people tried to tell me; for letting love…or was it pride…blind my eyes. I had to say I’m sorry… for getting angry over what I knew was true, but didn’t want to be true, and now is so true that my windows are at risk of things flying through them. And...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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