Gameschool Fridays: Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters


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Sometimes you just need to fight some ghosts. Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters is a family favorite. This 2-4 player cooperative game is engaging for everyone at every roll. Your goal as a group is to gather gems from the haunted mansion before it is completely overrun with poltergeists. It takes strategy, cooperation, and a little luck.

One thing we really enjoy about this game is that you have control over how difficult you want it to be. If you want basic play, which is still plenty challenging, you can simply take out a few cards and make it a more likely success. If you are really feeling like challenging yourselves, you can add the hard cards, or even the expansion.

Education benefit includes critical thinking, problem solving, and of coarse basic math skills. You also are practicing interpersonal skills as you communicate your intent with each turn. Remember, you are working together.

I would highly recommend this game to families with children who are ready for something more challenging than Out Foxxed, but not quite ready for Pandemic or Forbidden Island. It’s a great next step in cooperative challenge.

Game Overview

Today’s Game: Ghost Fightin’ Treasure Hunters by Mattel Games

Category: Cooperative Adventure

Recommended Ages: 5+ with help for experienced kiddos, 8+ for newer gamers.
This game has simple rules, but requires critical thinking and planning. It also can get a little long for wiggly kids.

Time to play: 30+ minutes. With the expansion 45+ easily.

You might like this game if you like: Zombie Kids, Forbidden Desert, Pandemic etc…

Why Mr. B (age 11) likes this game – “There are a lot of ghosts and you fight for things and it’s a cooperative game. We are all working for the same thing!”

Cooperative games are a great way to help super competitive kids get the benefits of games without the me vs. you stress. We lost miserably BTW. 😂 Next time, Ghosties, you are going DOWN!

(More about Cooperative Games here)

Parental Caution: If your family doesn’t have anything to do with ghosts, then obviously this is not the game for you. However, if you are concerned about other spiritual content, there is no spell-casting or witchcraft in this game. If you are okay with Luigi’s Mansion (Video Game), Zombie Kids (coop game), or Ghost Busters (movie), you should be good to go with GFTH.

About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

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By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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