Steps and Journeys: Baby update


God is so good. Those are the first words that came to mind when I started to write this post. I think it is because that must be at the forefront of everything, otherwise it all collapses and sinks into despair. Nothing makes sense without that one truth.

That being said, life is so full of changes right now.

The babies are getting so big. They aren’t babies any more, they are toddlers. Busy Boy is talking incredibly well now. He is still about a year behind in most developmental areas, but he has come so far. I had my first real back-and-forth conversation with him yesterday, and it blew me away. He was telling me that he wants to go to Grandma’s (Marge) for Soup Group and play with the bears. I loved being able to ask him follow-up questions and hearing him explain his beautiful thoughts and plans. It was magical. His one-year anniversary is coming up at the end of May, and in some ways it is amazing that it has gone by this fast, and in other ways, more predominantly, it feels like it’s impossible that he has not always been here.

Bitty Babe is feisty and full of life. That is the best way to describe her. She is walking all over the place now, and that means that she now has two free hands with which to get into mischief. She is so smart that it takes us aback multiple times a day at what she understands and can do on her own. She already knows where her favorite DVD’s are AND how to put them in the DVD player. Oy. She loves to talk and has quite the sense of humor. Her favorite thing to do right now is sign and say “kitty” and say “meow, meow, meow.” and then giggle like crazy. Her health is great, and although she still struggles with some residual tremors, she is not being held back by any of her symptoms in the least. In fact, she is actually slightly ahead of the curve developmentally, which makes the 20 months between Bitty and Busy Boy much smaller. She will be graduating from physical therapy this month and will just have to go back to get her orthotics refit as she grows. The orthotics are to support her tone so she can relax her muscles and develop a proper gait and arch in her feet.

Hubby is traveling a lot right now, and we are traveling with him whenever we can. That’s a lot of traveling. Last week, because of SPACE, I drove over 1000 miles, most of that over 3 days. Thankfully, the kids are great travelers. Busy Boy doesn’t sleep as well as Bitty does, but he will sleep, and now that Bitty is talking, the two totally entertain each other. Bitty is also really into books right now, so if she gets fussy I just hand her a book and she is good to go.

Family life is such a miracle to us right now. We are enjoying each day, especially as we watch our little ones grow and change before our eyes. They are a great reason to get up every morning, and great reasons to take care of myself so I can be the best mama I can be. My husband and my children are my ministry right now, and my prayer every day is that I am fulfilling my Father’s purpose in my life.

Next up: Hannah Update



About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


  • Purpose, that is what I am struggling with at this stage of my life. I am a mom and grandma, but that doesn’t really mean much when there is so much distance between us. I thrive on being around my children, there is no thriving here ; I feel like my spirit is shriveling. Don’t mean to be so somber ; not having any kind of job for so long leaves a lot of time to think too much.

By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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