A letter to my eldest son on his birthday


My dearest son,

Today you turn *gulp* 20 years old. This is an incredible thing in so many ways. First of all, it means that you, your dad, and myself are all in the same age decade for the next year and 3 months. That’s pretty unique. It also means that I officially get to turn more heads and raise more eyebrows when people ask about my kids and I can now officially say that I have a 20 year-old son. It’s a fun game, isn’t it?

All kidding aside, you are so very special to me. 20 years ago, when I was only 8 years-old, playing with my baby dolls and GI Joes, God was forming you in your young mother’s womb. He brought you into this world knowing that someday we would be brought together because we needed each other. You are the reason I was first called “Mom.” You did that! You saw me, chose me, pursued me, got really scared that it might actually happen, messed some stuff up, then God gave you the desire of your heart. You got a family.

I’m not perfect. You know that you have the privilege of a typical firstborn that entitles you to be the experiment for all of our parenting awesomeness. Your little brother and sister are very grateful for that. đŸ™‚ But despite all of our bumps, I know that you know that you are loved and that we are always cheering for you.

My prayer for you, my sweet boy, is that you will let yourself be truly loved. I pray that you will know in the core of your being who you are in Christ, and that that identity will transform every step you take. Be the gift that you were created to be, because it is such an amazing gift.

I love you forever and always.


About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

1 Comment

  • 20?! where in the world has the time gone? As we all watch your family grow through you blog and we see these children succeed and sometimes not your family never fails to amaze me with all you do. you are doing a great job!

By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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