Happy Birthday, Bitty Girl!


Dearest baby girl of mine,

Today is your first birthday. One year ago today, a little girl was born, unbeknownst to us. Two weeks later she would be in our arms, changing our lives forever.

You’ve come a long way, Bitty Girl, from that tiny, sick baby. You light up a room with your presence, your smiles, and feisty giggles. You are talking so much now, and you copy all kinds of words and phrases. Most of your talk is still baby babble, but more and more little words escape your little lips. Your most common words right now are “No, no, no!” always in threes, “All done!”, “Mama,” “Aiti,” and “Daddy.”

You love to play and explore, and are more than a little mischievous, but one crooked, goofy smile from that sweet mouth makes us forget to be even the slightest bit cross. You can stand up on your own now, but you are so good and fast at crawling that I don’t think you have the time to bother with walking right now. You love to play with your brother, and can definitely hold your own with him. In fact, you are the one we have to remind to be gentle. Your favorite critter, Zoe, our kid-proof black lab, doesn’t mind that you are not gentle. She loves it when you crawl all over her, and loves to give you kisses, which always makes you giggle.

Your favorite toys are your Winnie the Pooh doll, your pop-up toy, and toy cars. Your favorite “no-no’s” are tissues. baby wipes, the remote control, and the phone which you will gladly abandon any of said favorite toys to pursue if you get the opportunity.

Your favorite foods are bread, yogurt, and noodles, which you happily chow down with your 6 teeth. I think you are working on your first molars, because you chew on your blankets, your fingers, and anything else you can get a hold of, but they are sure taking their sweet time in making their appearance.

You are still very much a Mommy’s girl, but you are really starting to warm up to other people that love you, especially Daddy. Your new heart-melter move is to cuddle with Daddy, laying your head on his chest, looking up at him with a smile, and then laying your head down again. It gets him every time. Although you are still really shy, you will even occasionally smile at strangers while we are out, who often stop us to tell me how beautiful you are.

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in all the everyday miracles that I forget that you still have some big challenges you are facing. You are still struggling with the effects of your withdrawals, and are still on meds , but your doctor is hopeful that you will be able to be successfully drug-free soon. Your OT and PT are such a support in our lives, and they are helping us overcome some of your physical hurdles. You have special orthotics on your feet now to counteract your high muscle-tone and help you drop your heals to move more effectively. We are hoping they will help give you the confidence to step out on your own soon. Your OT is helping you with some of your sensory issues, and you are already making big strides. You are very brave.

When I think of you, my precious girl, I get tears in my eyes almost immediately. The warmth and love that you bring into my life is immeasurable. Holding you, kissing you on the head, and breathing you in are things that I am still in awe over. I am so blessed to have the chance to be your mommy. My prayer for you this year is that you will know in the core of your being that you are loved, cherished, and wanted. I pray that you will already start to hear and listen to the voice of the Father, and that you will let Him write your story on your heart, letting Him tell you who you are. I pray that Daddy and I won’t take any moment for granted, and that we will continue to be ridiculously joyful over every little thing you do. I pray that the Father will show us how to raise you up in a way that honors Him, and honors who He has made you to be.

I can’t wait to discover you even more this year! I can’t wait till those little babbles turn into words that will let me into your beautiful world. We are going to have so much fun, little girl, and I will cherish every day the Lord gives me with you.

Love forever,

Your Mommy

About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

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By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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