An early Christmas gift


The Stubborn house has a new member.

Thursday afternoon a worker from our agency called and said “I know you and [Hubby] wanted to take a break…”


“But there’s a baby girl who needs a home. Would you be willing?”

After a short discussion of the few details she knew, which wasn’t much, I told her the answer would most likely be “yes”, but I had to check with Hubby. So I did.  The answer was yes.

Baby A arrived at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon. She’s so tiny! She’s less than 3 weeks old, so much more “newborn” ish than Baby E was. She’s had a rough start as another victim of the ever popular “white r*sh” epidemic. She is so spastic and rigid that I couldn’t even straighten her arm to get her gown on. She’s not on ph3nob*rb like Baby E was, so I’m going to talk to our pediatrician about that when I take her in ASAP next week.

It’s definitely a challenge with two infants who both need attention, often at the same times. Baby E heard me get up with Baby A at 5:30 this morning and decided that she wanted to join the party, so I sat her on the floor with a toy while I made two bottles (thankfully they use the same formula!), and then I held Baby A on my lap and had Baby E next to me lying on a pillow holding her bottle by herself.

It’s so amazing to see the size and developmental differences between the two girls. Baby E is practically a toddler compared to the itsy bitsy Baby A. She is just so little.

Anywho, my brain is sleep deprived and I am having trouble making sense, so since both babes are sleeping at the moment, I am going to head to bed. I will write more details very soon…maybe even tonight if someone gets rambunctious. 🙂



About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

1 Comment

  • Building new identities and strengthening your’s and Kaleb’s. Wow…you two are quite amazing. Praying for God to touch little Baby A. Love you!!!!!

By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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