Jeremiah’s Mother’s Day Poem


With commentary đŸ™‚

My Mom

My mom is the greatest mom in the world.

She is happy when I am good.

She likes to listen to me when I play.

She cares for me.

She always remembers to tell me to take a shower.

(I definitely giggled when I read that.)

My mom is the greatest mom in the world.

She keeps me safe from danger.

She cries when I am hurt.

She worries that I will run away.

She feels sad  when I am crying.

My mom is the greatest mom in the world.

She likes to tell me about when I was born.

(What I know, that is, and we fill in the details together.)

She understands when I am upset.

She dreams that I will be president.

(He admitted he didn’t know what I dream of, so he made something up.)

She hopes that I do good in school.

My mom is the greatest mom in the world.

My mom loves me, and I love her.

I wouldn’t trade her for no one else.

Mom, you are the greatest mom. I love you.

Love, Jeremiah

He’s able to say it. I am so thankful.



About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

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By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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