Happy 11!!!


My precious Jeremiah,

Today was your 11th birthday. What a ride your 11 years have brought you on. 8 different families, 3 different group homes, friends made, friends lost. What a ride.

You are so brave, my Jeremiah. You fight to the end, which is one of your biggest strengths, and one of your biggest barriers to happiness.

My prayer for you, my sweet, sweet boy, is that your next 11 years will be infinitely better than the last 11. I am praying that God will heal your heart in ways we never saw coming. Amazing, incredible ways. He’s created you to be a warrior, my strong boy, and I am believing Him FOR you right now.

I love you, my creative one. You make me laugh everyday, even if it is through my tears. Your creative eye and wit are nothing less than gifts from God. Your red hair and freckles are endearing, and your smile lights up every room you enter.

Get stronger, little man. Daddy and I will help you.



About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

1 Comment

  • And grandpa Roach will be there for you too, my wonderful grandson! I look forward to watching you grow up in body, mind, and spirit. Jesus has plans for you, my sweet boy. BIG plans.

By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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