2023 in reflection


2023 has been the year of “Less is more.” I decided in the summer that I wouldn’t be participating in anything additional and, in fact, our family would be making deep cuts to our activity schedule. It was hard because it meant less time with other families and risking feeling left out of fun things. I stepped out of a leadership position in a scouting organization that I had been in for three years because I was feeling burnt out. I also wanted to give my children the opportunity to get more plugged in at our chosen church family, and I knew we couldn’t do it all. Actually, I knew that our capacity for activity was very, very low.

Again, I was worried at first that I would feel left out, and at times I did get envious when I’d hear my friends involved in the new co-op talking about the cool activities and the things their kids were learning; but every time I didn’t have to be at that co-op all day with cranky kids, and instead we got to take our time and really get consistent with out routine at home, I was very, very thankful that I had set that boundary for myself.

Looking forward to the year ahead I’m definitely feel antsy to stretch my extroverted wings, but I’m approaching opportunities with with prayer and caution. My kids have varying capacities for out-of-the-home activities. Some will be playing sports this spring, others are content to be at home every day as long as they get to accompany Mom to Costco every now and then. So as I think of this balance, and also the growing and maturing of my kids, I realize that we are in a different phase of life than even one year ago. Perhaps Mom can start stretching her wings alone every now and then. Maybe?

So now looking into 2024 I have decisions to be made and fears to face. We have games to play, of coarse, and growing to do. I have healing and strength to pursue, and rest and contentment to claim. Beyond that, who knows what the Giver of all good things will have in store for the stubborn household? Only He does. And we will receive it with courage and grace as He allows.

Onward and upward! 🙂

About the author


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.

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By TuiMama


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


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