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2023 in reflection

2023 has been the year of “Less is more.” I decided in the summer that I wouldn’t be participating in anything additional and, in fact, our family would be making deep cuts to our activity schedule. It was hard because it meant less time with other families and risking feeling left out of fun things. I stepped out of a leadership position in a scouting organization that I had been in for three...

Why we play games – challenging our minds

This is the second post in a short series about why the Stubborn household has made playing games a priority in our home. If you missed the first one, check it out here. The second reason that we have chosen to make playing games a priority in our household is that tabletop games, weather they are card games, deck builders, heavy strategy games, word games, or simple roll and play, are uniquely...

Why We Play Games – Connection

When I tell people that our family’s big hobby is collecting and playing board games, we get a few different reactions. Sometimes we get the blank stares followed by a comment such as “You mean, like Monopoly?” And then I get to watch their eyes either glaze over as I talk about the different types of games we enjoy, or I see their eyes light up as they realize that this world...

Survival and recovery

We survived the holidays. Lots of boundaries. Lots of intentional time together, including enjoying new games of coarse. Limiting outside activities, which meant lots of saying “no” to possibly fun activities so we could say “yes” to peace. Oh, and a new kitten. His name is Chase and he is the fuzzy, warm balm to my weary soul. He’s primarily Ms. A’s kitten, and she is doing a fabulous job...

when in doubt, shrink it

Mr. B has been struggling. Hard. We had two months of traveling and birthdays, which are major anxiety triggers for my intense child. Mr. B is diagnosed with level 1 Austism Spectrum Disorder, which is the new categorization of what used to be called Aspberger’s syndrome or “high-functioning” autism. His flavor of autism comes with lots of “scripts” that he runs in...

Finding rhythm

I was disappointed in myself because I ran out of posts and comics and just couldn’t get one done for my self-imposed deadlines. I got discouraged. Here I go again, messing up. Not being disciplined enough to get it done. Then Hubby gave me a gift of grace, “Just be authentically you,” he said, “Write your heart. That is what is most impactful.” He was right, and I needed to hear it from him...

Gameschool Friday: Kittin

A fun head-to-head dexterity game purrrrfect for the whole family. Do you need a quick game to fill the 10 minutes in between teeth-brushing and bedtime? How about a game to pop in your purse to play at the restaurant while you wait for your food to come? Kittin by Alley Cat Games is a super fun, compact game that has a quick play time, but endless replay value. Ms. A is very good at this game...

Gameschool Friday: Santorini

Mr. E Loves Santorini Sometimes you need a good, quick, mind-bender to pull out before dinner, or in those 10 minutes before bedtime. Santorini is one of my favorites. It is simple in execution, but has levels of complexity depending on whom you are playing, and more if you add the god-powers. You might like Santorini if you like chess, checkers or other logic games. Today’s Game Recommendation:...


Wife, mother, chauffeur, referee, teacher, chef, caretaker, etc...All unto Christ.


Disclaimer - Views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own. Unless specified, I have not been compensated for any of my reviews or opinions. All content on this blog is the intellectual property of the writer. Do not copy or duplicate any content without permission. Thanks you.